A recent leak has surfaced which allegedly suggests some key features of Vivo S6 5G. Company had already revealed some of the renders of their first S series smartphone earlier. The renders revealed design of the bottom part of the device. Now a live shot image has been shared a popular tipster which allegedly seems to be Vivo S6 5G.
Though the tipster does not reveal the name, the leaked live shot of the device suggests that it is Vivo S6 5G. live shots suggests that the device will come with a punch hole display which will be located at the top right corner. We can also expect that Vivo S6 5G will come with a front facing camera.
As Vivo has focused in the past to launch standard selfie devices, we can spot an improved camera quality in this S series smartphone. Improvement might include addition of an ultra-wide lens which will help to increase the range of camera.
Live shots only reveal the rear design of the device, so we are unable to know detailed specs of Vivo S6 5G. live shots show that device will be ultrathin in design and will be launched in purple gradient color. Some of the earlier leak suggests that Vivo S6 5G will come with powerful battery which will support fast charging.