Vivo had earlier launched Vivo S6 5G which was made available in 8GB RAM and 128GB internal storage, while the other variant was announced but nor made available for sale. Today China have finally introduced the 8GB+256GB variant which can be purchased at a price of $426 or 2998 Yuan.
Vivo S6 5G is a mid-ranged smartphone that comes with a display of 6.44 inch which produces full HD+ resolution of 2400 x 1800 pixels. The display is an AMOLED HDR display which comes with ultra-high contrast and waterdrop display. The device runs on latest Android 10 OS out of the box alongside the company’s Fun Touch OS.
The new variant will also be available in three colour options which include Jazz black, Swan Lake blue and Danube Blue. Vivo S6 5G is powered by a Samsung Exynos 980 chipsets with multi turbo technology. The multi turbo technology comes with multiple technologies which include AI Turbo, CPU Turbo, Net Turbo, Game Turbo, A++ Turbo and cooling Turbo. The device is powered by 4500 mah battery that supports 18W fast charging technology.
Moving towards the camera of Vivo S6 5G the device is equipped with a Quad camera setup. The primary camera is of 48MP which is coupled with 8MP ultra-wide lens and 2MP depth field lens. The selfie camera of the device is of 32MP which lets you capture your beautiful moments.