Almost all messaging applications promote complete anonymity but nothing measures up to the efforts put by Telegram to hide you from everyone. WhatsApp isn’t even close to Telegram if you consider anonymity as a factor and need to improve a lot. Despite being so secure and private, Telegram still requires you to register with a phone number that beats the whole point of anonymity. In this post, I will tell you about surefire methods to use Telegram without a phone number.
Can you use Telegram without a phone number?
Yes. Anyone can use Telegram without a phone number but it does require you to register with a legitimate phone number. The phone number is needed to accept the incoming messages and avail the verification code. The incoming message contains the verification code that must be entered by the user to create an account on Telegram. After that, you can remove the phone number from the Telegram account and can continue to use Telegram without a phone number.
How to use Telegram without a phone number?
This method elaborates on the steps to hide your phone number after registering for Telegram. This does not remove your phone number from the repository but hides it from any user that connects with you on Telegram.
- Open the Telegram application and go to the hamburger menu located on the left side of the application.
- Click on the ‘Settings‘ option and then move to the ‘Privacy and Security‘ option in the application.

- Locate the ‘Phone Number‘ option and click on it to enter the phone number settings.

- You will notice three labels with single selection options. Set the ‘Who can see my phone number?‘ option to nobody.
- Secondly, set the ‘Who can find me by my phone number option?‘ to my contacts so that only people you know and trust and have saved in your contact list can see you.

- You can also add exceptions for users that will override the above two settings for them and make you appear as a normal Telegram user.
Methods to use Telegram without a Phone Number
These methods are aimed to give you alternative and free solutions to let you create a Telegram account with a dummy phone number. Since giving out your actual phone number is a loophole that undermines the whole anonymity concept of Telegram, these methods can help you to be completely safe and secure and unknown on Telegram.
Method 1: Google Voice
Google Voice is an interesting and legitimate tool to get a phone number that can be used as a normal one. It is a cloud-based phone system that lets you make all those actions that you do with a sim card, using the internet. You must have heard of VoIP protocol to call and video chat over the internet and it is exactly that with Google’s branding and reliability. Follow these steps to use Telegram without a phone number given by a telecom company.