Telegram is undoubtedly a powerful messaging tool that is famous for its large group sizes and frequent feature additions that puts it on par with WhatsApp in many aspects. Like all messaging applications, message pile-up and accidental deletion are very common for users. WhatsApp creates frequent backups both on-device and in the cloud and is very easy to restore the deleted messages. But to recover deleted Telegram messages is a very complicated process.
Unlike WhatsApp, the messages and chat backups are stored on the cloud only. That means the text messages are not ever stored on the device itself. It is both secure and troublesome at the same time as you have to follow a streamlined method to recover deleted Telegram messages, photos, and videos.
How to recover deleted Telegram messages on Android?
Textual chat Recovery:
To recover deleted Telegram messages or text chats follow these steps:
- Open the browser on your Android device and search for Telegram support. Click on the first link and you will be redirected to the support page.
- You will see three labels followed by three text input fields.
- Click on the first one and clearly describe your problem to the support team. Be elaborate and state the reason why you want to recover deleted Telegram messages and the problems you are facing because of it.
- Next, input the e-mail address that you frequently use and can access to stay updated about the progress.
- Lastly, input your phone number registered with the Telegram account that you want to recover deleted Telegram messages from and submit.
- Do not enter any other phone number as it would completely change the process and would pose trouble in verification.
- Wait for the e-mail response from the support team and follow their directions.
Image Recovery: