10 Best Stargazing Apps For Android in 2022

The sky is one of the most fascinating things that amazes humans over the years. Humans are awestruck by the perfection and subtlety of the sky. Some even love the sky so much that it’s their hobby to see patterns in the sky. People often observe patterns that form a constellation. Our listicle of the best stargazing apps will answer all your curiosity.

You can give direction to your favorite hobby of stargazing with our list of the best stargazing apps. You can get to know about some interesting features of the sky while using the best stargazing apps. So, let’s dive into the listicle to know about the options you can choose while looking for the best stargazing apps. Before jumping into the listicle, let’s look at some benefits stargazing apps provide to the users.

Excited? So, Let’s Get Started.

Benefits Of Best Stargazing Apps

  • Know about the sky: Besides stargazing, you can learn many facts and features about the sky. The best stargazing apps provide details of the patterns and constellations you are observing in the sky. It will help you improve your knowledge about the heavenly bodies also.
  • Ideal for aspiring students: Kids and teenagers usually get baffled after observing the sky. Best stargazing apps can be a good guide for students who are aspiring to achieve their potential in the astronomy field. Students can get to know about the intricate details of the sky from an early age and can use them later in their careers to achieve big things.

Best Stargazing Apps For Android

Stellarium Mobile

Well, nowadays people aren’t able to enjoy the sky. Some because of lack of time and some because of any other reason. So Stellarium mobile is going to help you with that. You don’t want to go anywhere just to watch stars. The main reason we can’t see stars is pollution. Now you can start on your mobile phone. This best stargazing app will show you exactly what you see when you look up at the stars. 

With the help of this app, you can identify stars, comets, planets, constellations, and many other deep sky objects. You just need to point your phone at the sky. This is an astronomy app that is very easy to use. This is one of the best astronomical apps for everyone no matter adults or children. You can also track artificial satellites, including the International Space Station. You also get a zooming feature for taking a better look. Also, you can use a dark mood to protect your eyes.

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10 Best Stargazing Apps For Android in 2022
Unknown app
Unknown app
Developer: Stellarium Labs
Price: Free

Standout Features:

  • Your Controlling telescope
  • accurate night sky view
  • collection of many stars, nebulas, galaxies, and more

Starwalk 2

Now easily find out if it is a planet or start you are looking at with the StarWalk 2 app. This best stargazing app will keep you up with the latest news and events of the solar system. Explore the sky day and night. Identify satellites, constellations, stars, planets, ISS, Hubble Space, Astronoid, and much more. To identify anything all you need to do is point your device at the sky. Get the latest news of outer space by one tap on the ‘what’s new’ section.

See the real-time map of the sky on your screen with the help of star and planet finder features in this best stargazing app. See all that in 3D. At the upper right side corner of your screen, you can find a clock face icon that allows you to select any time and date so you can easily go forward or backward and allow you to watch the night sky of that time.

10 Best Stargazing Apps For Android in 2022
Unknown app
Unknown app
Developer: Vito Technology
Price: Free

Standout Features:

  • Learn all about the solar system
  • Real-time map of the sky
  • Clock-face icon


If you are also one of those people who loves astronomy then you should download the NASA app on your mobile. You can find more than 16,000 images in this and find new images every day. You can now have more topics to talk to your friend’s because you can easily share everything and every detail with your friend. Explore the 3D planet model for a more realistic view and enjoy it more than any other app. Also, you can listen to the third rock ratio, making it one of the best stargazing apps. View the world as an art image with this best stargazing app.

Find a map, information, and link that help you a lot to explore from all of the NASA Centre. You can select your favorite images and mission to get quick access to them. You can see upcoming sighting opportunities for the International Space Station and get a notification even before they happen. Also viewing the HDEV experiment on the International Space Station with the help of high-quality videos is easy on this app. You can also discover all the information on the latest NASA missions. 

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10 Best Stargazing Apps For Android in 2022
Unknown app
Unknown app
Developer: NASA 
Price: Free

Standout Features:

  • Live Streaming videos
  • More than 16,000 images of space

Star Tracker

Now let the StarTracker app guide you to explore the universe more carefully. You just need to hold your device to point it at the sky. Then you can see any stars, constellations, and deep-sky objects you are watching in real-time. All data is offline. This best stargazing app fits any screen size, 3.5 inches to 12 inches. Watch stars, sun, moon, planets in the solar system, Constellations, and more without any difficulty. 

Also, watch some famous deep sky objects with magnificent graphics. Remember to remove the metal case or magnetic cover to avoid any disturbance or any interference to get accurate orientation. You can also buy or purchase pro-vision for more features. Like – night mode switch which protects your eye.

10 Best Stargazing Apps For Android in 2022
Unknown app
Unknown app
Developer: PYOPYO Studio
Price: Free

Standout Features:

  • Offline data 
  • Location auto set by GPS 
  • 3D compass in AR mode
  • High-quality graphics


Skyview is an app that lets you see the reality of space on your mobiles. Now because of this best stargazing app, you don’t need to be an astronomer to find stars or constellations in the sky, just open this app on your mobile and watch stars. Moreover, this app doesn’t require a data signal or GPS to function

This app also supports space navigators. Preserve your night vision with red or green night mode filters with the help of the night mode feature in this app. The sky path shows you the exact location in the sky on any date and time of any object. Because of augmented reality, you can spot objects in the sky, day or night. You can go to the future or the past to see the sky on any date and time.

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10 Best Stargazing Apps For Android in 2022
Unknown app
Unknown app
Developer: Terminal Eleven LLC
Price: Free

Standout Features:

  • Without wifi
  • Night mode
  • show you the exact location

Sky Map 

People love to use sky maps for gazing at the stars. If you ever wanted to know more and more about the sky’s wonder and space then this app will surely be for you. This app will help your kids to learn something new day by day or get better in science. This best stargazing app doesn’t need the internet except for a few features.

Sky Map is a hand-held planetarium for your Android device. You can use this device to identify any star, planet, nebula, and any other object. If you don’t have a compass on your mobile this app may not work. If you have any metal or magnetic object near your device then that might interfere with the compass. 

10 Best Stargazing Apps For Android in 2022
Unknown app
Unknown app
Developer: Sky Map Devs
Price: Free

Standout Features:

  • Moving figures in 8 different motions
  • User friendly


StarChart is an app used by 30 million people. With the help of a StarChart, you can experience stargazing like no other, making it one of the best stargazing apps. Now you have a virtual planetarium in your pocket. Point your device at the sky and this will let you know what exactly you are looking at. Get all of the latest high-tech functionality. See the current location of every star and planet visible from Earth. You can see all that even in daylight without any difficulty and with the same comfort. This app will allow you to view the sky underneath the horizon so now you can see where the sun is even at night.

If you want to know the name of the brightest star just point your phone at that star and the app tells you what it is called. You can also know what the sky looks like to people on the other side of the earth. You don’t need to swipe the screen to search for anything. The voice control feature will let you explore space with just your command like- take me to the moon, tour mars, go to Saturn, Where is the Cigar Galaxy, and much more.

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10 Best Stargazing Apps For Android in 2022
Unknown app
Unknown app
Price: Free

Standout Features:

  • Voice control feature
  • Over 120,000 stars
  • Search feature available

Mobile Observatory

Are you interested in the sky’s wonders? If you are, then Mobile Observation is the best stargazing app for you. This app also helps you to know if the next lunar eclipse is visible from your location. You also get the idea about when the next bright comet is visible. This app provides you with loads of extra detail and information on stars, planets, deep-sky objects, meteor showers, asteroids, lunar and solar eclipses, and much more as well.

This is a free best stargazing app used by millions of people.. Find 30,000 stars to the magnitude and 220 Deep Sky objects. This app can automatically calculate interesting celestial events for your location. You can also get information about the lost planet Pluto. Explore anything in space in 3D on your phones. So download Mobile Observatory on your mobile phone and enjoy the sky view on your device. 

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10 Best Stargazing Apps For Android in 2022
Mobile Observatory Free: Astro
Mobile Observatory Free: Astro

Standout Features:

  • 1000 minor planets
  • All 88 constellations 
  • Daily notification

Sky Safari

Sky Safari is an astronomy app that lets you see the stars. If you ever wanted to know what the sky looked like in 500 B.C. this app would help you. This best stargazing app shows you how the sky looks from the earth many years past and future. puts the universe at your fingertips. Also, let you watch the sky in high and rich quality unlike you have ever seen before. Get the best view of tonight’s best object with the help of tonight’s Best feature.

Just raise your device to the sky and SkySafari will find stars. See stunning and amazing views of Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and other planets. The star chart feature will update automatically with your real-time movements. Also learn a lot about the history, mythology, and science of the heavens. Zoom in and zoom out easily for clear, bigger images. 

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10 Best Stargazing Apps For Android in 2022
Unknown app
Unknown app
Price: Free

Standout Features:

  • Night vision available
  • Learn about history
  • Orbit Mode

Solar Walk 2

Explore the solar system with the Solar Walk 2 app. It has all information about missions and space exploration. This app is a digital guide to our Solar system. you will get a visual representation of our Solar system and space exploration. Get updated by all the latest news from the world of space with the help of ‘what’s a new option. 

You can get wonderful panoramic photos of space objects. Watch any planet, satellites in space stars in 3D. Stunning and remarkable graphics. Use the astronomical calendar that includes various celestial events, like- solar eclipse, lunar eclipse, the moon phases, and a lot more. Get the finest details of space exploration and the outstanding space missions. This Solar system app is great for both adults and kids. Adults can enjoy viewing or learning something and the same goes for kids.

10 Best Stargazing Apps For Android in 2022
Unknown app
Unknown app
Developer: Vito Technology
Price: Free

Standout Features:

  • Astronomy news and current events
  • Astronomical calendar of celestial events
  • 3D model of our Solar system

Final Words

With this, we will be wrapping up our list of the best stargazing apps. Hope you can find and choose the best stargazing app from our list based on your requirements. You can share this content with your friends and kids who are also in search of the best stargazing app. You can drop your valuable comments and suggestions in the comment section below.

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